
Text Messaging Is Changing Research For The Better

While it is not as glamorous or futuristic as some projected developments in the field of medicine or clinical research, text messaging is having a profound impact on the way in which researchers approach their activities in the digital age. Text messaging software provides clear lines of communication among research teams, patient care professionals and study participants. The ease of use and increased engagement made possible by text messaging can be a valuable asset for clinical and medical researchers. Text messaging is having a transformative effect on the way research is performed in today’s digital age.

Why Text Messaging Works

Contacting your study participants by phone can result in missed calls on both sides of the equation. Consulting firm Return Path found that more than 20 percent of emails are misdelivered or go directly into the spam folder unread. Conversely, research conducted by Gartner indicates that text messages are opened and read by as many as 98 percent of recipients. Adopting text messaging as your primary form of communication can significantly increase the engagement of your subjects and their response rate for your surveys and studies.

Managing Studies in the Life Sciences

The right text messaging solution can integrate with life sciences software to provide a solid platform for communicating with participants in your studies. By choosing a text messaging system that will complement your current software packages, you can improve your communication with participants and can make it much more convenient for them to respond on a schedule that works for them.

Text-based Patient Care Solutions

In the healthcare field, reaching patients with reminders of appointments, medication dosages and refills and other required information can help them to stay on track with their treatment plan. Text messaging makes this process easy and convenient for your patients by delivering these reminders in a timely and effective way.

Medication Adherence Reminders

For patients and research study participants, reminders to take required medications can prove valuable in ensuring the most accurate data and the best outcomes. Text messaging is a perfect solution for reminding your study subjects to take their medication and for allowing them to provide you with feedback that this task has been accomplished successfully.

How Mosio Can Help

Mosio’s text messaging software is designed to integrate seamlessly with your clinical research protocols and methodologies. Some of the most important features of our text messaging systems include the following:

  • Integration with Electronic Patient Reported Outcomes (ePRO), REDCap and other life sciences software systems
  • Text reminders for survey responses, medication adherence and other required input from your study participants
  • Automated messaging for consistency throughout your studies
  • Text message survey options that work for your organization
  • Appointment reminders through text messages and integrated with Google Calendar, Apple Calendar and Microsoft Outlook
  • TextChat interactive text messaging for more direct communication with participants in your studies

At Mosio, we offer text messaging solutions that work with your life sciences software and clinical research processes to collect the necessary information in the most practical and positive way possible. Call us today at 425-559-9993 to learn more about the text messaging solutions we offer and how they can help you manage your medical and research communications more effectively now and in the future.

If you have an upcoming project, get a free project plan. We know you’ll find it useful, even if you don’t end up working with us.