Social Research Surveys

The Perfect Text Messaging Solution for Social Research Surveys

With Mosio, you can tailor messaging to the specific aims of your study and methodologies to ensure greater engagement and adherence with your study subjects.

Improved Response Rates for Surveys

Implementing a social research surveys test message system into your current protocols can increase the probability that you will receive prompt responses to your surveys.

Text messages make it much easier for your study participants to respond quickly to surveys and other communications from your research team. This will allow you to achieve a higher response rate and greater success for your research project.

Customizable Text Message Surveys with Nudge Reminders

Mosio can help you construct customized text messages that can be sent automatically to participants in your research studies. These text messages can be configured in a number of ways:

• Yes/No questions can allow one-touch responses by your study participants.
• Multiple-choice formats offer greater flexibility while allowing you to control the responses made by your survey recipients.
• User-defined character sets can provide even greater customization for possible responses by those participating in your surveys.
• Allowing free-text responses may also provide your team with more detailed information in response to your survey questions.

Appointment and Survey Response Reminders

Social research surveys text message reminders are a valuable tool in keeping your participants aware of surveys they have not yet completed or information required by your team.

Text messaging is a reliable and proven way to reach out to survey participants without the annoyances associated with repeated phone calls and failed attempts to get in touch by telephone. Mosio makes it much simpler to reach out and communicate effectively with study participants.

Increased Engagement and Retention of Participants

By interacting through text messaging, you can ensure the most comfortable and least intrusive communications with your study participants.

Your social research text message methodologies will typically allow you to engage with participants more easily, which can increase retention for your studies and improve the overall experience for your participants.

Integrating with REDCap

Mosio makes REDCap even more powerful in your social science research. It works well beyond simply sending REDCap survey URLs. You can use it for interventions, motivational messaging, reminders and even friendly “nudges” to ensure you get the data you need for your study.

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Comprehensive Help for Research Study Communications

Mosio offers text messaging solutions for researchers that can eliminate labor-intensive data entry tasks. Our system allows you to create customized text messaging solutions that let your study participants know when surveys are due, appointments are scheduled and information is required to further your research.