

Over the last few years, secure messaging has emerged as one of the most valuable tools necessary for the success of clinical trials. Text messaging has opened up a direct line of communication between researchers and patients that have not only improved patient participation but also clinical trial outcomes. So what types of clinical trials have benefited the most from the use of text messaging? Well, research shows the clinical trials that have benefited the most from the use of secure text messaging include:

Psychiatric clinical trials

A research group from Manchester, UK, set out to identify if text messaging was a cost-effective method of communicating with individuals suffering from mental illness. After a randomized repeated measures crossover study, the UK group concluded that secure messaging is a valuable cost-effective means of communicating with individuals suffering from mental illness.

Weight loss clinical trials/clinical trials reliant on patient monitoring

In 2013, a group from the Leicestershire Nutrition and Dietetic Services set out to determine if text messaging was a cost-effective way to communicate and monitor weight loss patients. After a controlled study the research group showed that not only is secure messaging a cost-effective way to communicate and monitor weight loss patients it also directly improved clinical outcomes.

Smoking cessation/addiction clinical trials

In 2013, a research group from Alpert Medical School of Brown University designed a study to determine if individuals preferred text messaging-based smoking cessation programs and clinical trials over non-text messaging-based smoking cessation programs and clinical trials. Using focus groups and questionnaires, the Brown University research group compiled data that showed smokers were more interested in participating in smoking cessation programs and clinical trials that utilized secure messaging as a mode of communication.

It cannot be denied the world has become more reliant on technology and electronic forms of communication. As more and more individuals utilize secure text messaging as one of their main forms of communication, it is only natural for researchers to follow suit in order to ensure the success of their clinical trials.

For more information on the use of secure messaging in clinical trials visit http://mosio.com/research

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