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Shift NC powers a wonderful “warm line” for teens and young adults via text messaging. From their website:

“The BrdsNBz North Carolina Text Line provides confidential, factually accurate answers to sexual health questions via text message. A young person simply texts a question, and a trained health educator responds within 24 hours.”

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OMG! Texting ups truthfulness, new study suggests

Study shows that people are more honest when they reply through text rather than answering a phone call. Researchers found that people who are less tensed tend to say the truth in texting because they are not in time-pressured situation which is most likely observed in phone interviews.

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How new technology is helping deliver sexual health services

Technology is seemingly becoming the new way of young generation in communicating with its peers. Mobile applications and other social networks allow teenagers to get results in a jiffy. As a result of this innovations, sex education can further be propagated to young people  conveniently by providing them advice and factual information.

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Text Messaging Helping to Keep People Healthy

Text Messaging proves to be an effective medium of delivering health service to a larger percentage of people. A good example is a successful vaccination program to those children whose parents earn a relatively small income.

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Texting Has Health Benefits (Take That Mom and Dad)

There are several advantages people can get through text messaging. A simple text of encouragement can help patients suffering from depression feel better about themselves. Texting provides information for pregnant women about better prenatal care. And also, it allows patients who were admitted for high level of alcohol to receive advice through text message on how to limit their drinking habit.

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Texting Dominates As Teens And Young Adults Make Fewer Phone Calls

Teens and Young Adults are now more into Texting than Calling. Study shows that the trend in younger generations nowadays is visiting social networking via their mobile and using more of their fingers in texting messages rather than just mere holding it for voice calls.

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Teen Stores Try Texts as Gr8 Nu Way to Reach Out

Texting has become the gateway of retailers in advertising their products to younger generation effectively. Marketing their items to young customers by mobile texting of pictures and video can increase their chances of getting known quickly.

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Tech trends: Mobile changes everything

Hotel establishments are in demand of mobile devices in increasing their guest attendance. Mobile technology can help promote innovations in amenities and services a hotel has to offer. It enables guest to engage in any applications the hotel provides in their own convenience.

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Reports: Mobile trends in travel technology

According to study, 58% of American consumers aging from 12- 64 have their own smartphone device which translate that they are becoming more mobile. This can pave way for travel technology to increase its sales and maybe sooner or later consumers will be booking travel via mobile as well.

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5 Text Messaging Tactics Restaurant Owners Can Use To Attract Customers

Restaurant found a new way in attracting customers through Text Messaging. The current way of enticing people to visit once restaurant is via text message marketing. There are 5 tips of doing it: text subscribers before meals to provide them options before dining, advertise specials online, surprise rewards to customers like free appetizers, instantly-redeemable coupons and lastly interact with subscribers to know their feedback about the food, service and ambience of the restaurant.

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Compiled by Mosio mobile messaging software. All copyright belongs to original owners.

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